Workouts for Pregnant Women: Can You Work out While Pregnant?
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When it comes to exercise and staying healthy, you probably have a lot of dedication going into it. From lifting weights to running on the treadmill, you do your best to balance yourself between strength training and cardio, respectively. Working out is one of the best things that you can do for your body, all the while being so rewarding in the end.
That said, perhaps you are now pregnant, about to give birth to your child. The weight has crept on and at times, you might feel tired and unwell due to the changes inside your body. All the same, you are persistent in continuing to work out; being pregnant does not give you the excuse not to exercise, so you are striving for a consistent work out throughout these nine months.
However, the big question is whether pregnant women like you can work out during this time period. In other words, is it safe for you to do so, without hurting your body or even that of your baby’s? There are many questions that you probably have, and that is why we are here to help! Read on to learn more in this article on whether or not you can work out while pregnant. We will answer your frequently-asked questions (FAQs) to help you out, and soon enough, you should be right on track to a healthy and smooth pregnancy.
Without further ado, let us get started!
Can I continue to run while pregnant?
Although there are many myths surrounding the idea of what is acceptable and not acceptable to do while pregnant, you can still continue to run while carrying a baby in your womb. Especially if you are passionate about running, then being pregnant is not a reason to cease the activity altogether.
The thing to keep in mind, however, is that it is not the time to break personal records, e.g. strenuous competition and races, during these few months. Rather, just performing your normal workouts and routine are the best way to go about it, in order to keep your heart rate elevated and your muscles toned.
Are there any certain workouts that are not recommended to do while pregnant?
While most workouts are safe to do while pregnant, there are certain ones which we would say are not recommended for you during the trimesters, as listed down below:
Biking. Especially when it comes to balance, biking requires a lot of it. During pregnancy, your body’s sense of balance gets affected, particularly over the course of the first to second trimesters. That is why it is risky to go biking while pregnant since it not only puts strain on the knees, but also disrupts your balance.
Skiing. Similar to biking, skiing requires a lot of balance, along with plenty of joint pressure, especially on the knees. Especially when your body’s joints are weakened during pregnancy, it is strongly advised against not doing skiing until after you give birth.
Soccer. Contact sports like soccer are also not recommended, since getting bruised up on the playing field not only takes a toll on your body, but also that of your baby’s. It is not advised to do so, since any sort of slipping, sliding, and falling can lead to damage (sometimes permanent) for you and your child.
Basketball. Likewise, basketball also is a contact sport that should not be played while pregnant. Particularly when you end up performing a lot of guarding, blocking, and stealing the ball throughout the game, it can tire you out, as well as lead to injuries if not careful. It is best to avoid playing it during the later months into pregnancy.
Hockey. Finally, hockey is not recommended at all for women who are pregnant. Not only is it even more extreme in contact compared with soccer and basketball, but also any of the impact from it can lead to irrevocable damage, not just on yourself, but also on your child.
Should I continue to do abdominal exercises while pregnant?
While many say that doing abdominal exercises while pregnant is forbidden, studies in fact say that it is completely fine, even encouraged, to do so. The reason for this is that you need to continue toning your muscles in order to have the strength to push and give birth once the time comes. Not only that, but also you can establish a routine in which you can lose the pregnancy pounds (aka baby fat) once you give birth, so that you are not stuck with a ton of stubborn pounds to lose over a long period of time.
When is it the time to cease physical activities, i.e. at what stage of pregnancy?
Up until the final trimester of pregnancy, i.e. just when you are about to expect the child, you can continue performing the physical activities that you usually do. It is only in the final weeks when you expect the baby to arrive that it is better to take it easy, so that you do not add stress to the situation and make the delivery process difficult for you and your baby.
Does pregnancy increase my chances of injuries due to exercise?
While pregnant, your body secretes lubricate to the joints to aid in the labor process when the time comes. As a result, your joints become weaker and thereby susceptible to injuries. Plus, with that extra weight added on from the fetus, it adds pressure to the rest of your body.
That said, it is important to be careful while exercising, so as not to put pressure and aggravate the body to irrevocable damage. Make sure to take care of your body well, so that you can ensure a happy and healthy life, eventually with your baby.
Overall, exercising while pregnant is perfectly fine, even beneficial, for you and your baby. As long as you are careful and constantly paying attention to your body when things start to feel strange, you can ensure a smooth and solid delivery process, all the while a healthy lifestyle.