Take Care of Your Health: Myths Concerning Multivitamins
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From the Flintstones gummy days to your adult women or men health multivitamin, it seems like they have carried you through every stage of life. From every advertisement or to what your own parents were saying to you, there might be some things you were taught about multivitamins that are simply not true. Though this might blow your mind, we can assure you that it is not in any way life threatening, or multivitamins were not posing a danger to your health whatsoever! But, in any case, there are a few myths that we were lead to believe were true about them but actually weren’t.
Like some of the other things in your childhood, you were white-lied to, but of course for your own good! Unfortunately, some of the myth busters ended in tragic disappointment, like the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy, but these myth busters should actually make you happier (and healthier).
Some big businesses like to push the idea of the necessity of a multivitamin in your daily diet, but you might be already getting the nutrition you need from your every day food.
Multivitamins seem like the right choice for everyone, but they might not be!
Read these 7 myths about multivitamins:
7. MYTH: It doesn’t matter which one you choose, all multivitamins do the same thing
FACT: That’s just not the case. Like almost everything out there, everything is different in some sort of way. There is actually not an exact definition out there of what a multivitamin must or should include, there are just, for lack of better words, some guidelines that these places are to follow.
This can actually be “harmful” to you, when there are too much of a certain vitamin or nutrient that you need and you are getting excess amounts of it.
The good news: that picking a multivitamin after knowing which A’s or C‘s you need, for instance and HOW MUCH of it, will make the selection and buying process so much easier!
6. MYTH: You don’t need a multivitamin if you eat healthily!
FACT: No matter how healthy you eat, there will always be something that you’ve missed. This myth goes both ways as well. A multivitamin does NOT substitute a healthy diet and does NOT give you an excuse to eat only junk food and soft drinks and assume you are getting the nutrition you need just from one pill or gummy vitamin every morning.
The good news: You ARE covered! If you just pair the multivitamins you take WITH a healthy diet, than you are doing the best you can and probably have all your bases covered.
5. MYTH: Yellow urine is an issue
FACT: Yes, normally, it means that you are dehydrated. But be aware of all the factors. When you are taking a multivitamin, this might tend to happen and we will tell you why.
The good news: Yellow urine in this case means that your body is flushing out all the bad stuff or excess that it doesn’t need to perform at its best. What gives it its dark yellow color is the vitamin B2, riboflavin. Flavin, or flavus, means yellow. To get rid of the color, simply drink more water, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you are dehydrated, though be careful, you very well COULD be!
4. MYTH: The label is the Bible
FACT: Unfortunately, not every product out there is certified or perfectly equipped with the exact amounts of every ingredient. You might be getting more or less of what you want or need.
The good news: Just look for the labels that are actually certified, and you should be good.
3. MYTH: They do not go bad
FACT: Like just about everything, they eventually do come with an expiration date.
The good news: but contrary to things like milk or bread, the vitamins are not really “bad” for you if you take them past their expiration date. They will just be less powerful, and some vitamins might even lose their potency altogether, making it really pointless to be taking the expired vitamins in the first place.
2. MYTH: Storing vitamins wherever, especially, in the kitchen, is a no-brainer
FACT: NO it is NOT. Actually, storing them next to electric appliances that give off heat, like a microwave can potentially be harmless for your vitamins. Strangely enough, doctors also suggest that bathroom cabinets are also not the best place to store them because of the highness in moisture levels located in that part of the house.
The good news: You will never mix your vitamins with something else in your bathroom cabinet!
1. MYTH: Take the vitamins right before bed or in the morning
FACT: Take your vitamins with food! The nutrients work actually with each other, instead of fighting for the best spot in your body like you think they will. When taking with other types of nutrients, they’ll bounce off each other and there will be an (good) explosion of amazingly healthy things going on in your body!
The good news: It’s okay to consume some fat! There are actually some vitamins, like vitamins D, K, E and A that work best and NEED fat for absorption in the body. This will give you a great excuse, but let’s be honest and try and stay healthy. Most “healthy” foods will have the necessary amount of fat that you need for this to work.
We hope this article didn’t turn you off to taking your multivitamins, but instead made you just a little bit more aware of what was going on in that jar of Flintstone Gummies! The information you can find on multivitamins, from the words on the back of the bottle to a little research on the internet, from all the several different kinds that can work for you to the specific one that your doctor recommended, is utterly endless! Make sure you keep yourself informed enough when looking into taking a multivitamin and to decide which one will work best for you.