Can an Inversion Table Make You Taller?
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We will answer this question immediately: yes, an inversion table can make you taller!
The inversion table has proven to be useful for so many things, including making individuals taller. In the modern day, it is the sought-after tool to help people experience inversion therapy safely. Proper medical research studies have found that best rated inversion tables help people achieve better qualities of life permanently and help increase height in the process.
Truth be told, there are no official assertions by researchers confirming whether or not an inversion table will make you taller. However, there are enough medical studies on other topics relating to inversion therapy that subsequently lead to this answer.
Please note that there isn’t a definite number (i.e., the extent of the height increase) to expect, as it widely depends on your body. The most-seen results are .3-inch increases to the rarest at 1 inch. There were more positive results seen in research carried out on those with scoliosis, herniated discs, and neck humps, who were measured shorter than they should be due to the shapes of their backbones.
While the results with height are mostly temporary, routine usage may lead to permanent increase, especially if you have open growth plates. Following our guides on how to keep a healthy habit of preserving the overall health of backbones with regular and proper usage of an inversion table will eventually increase height.
How Using an Inversion Table Makes You Taller
When you use an inversion table at more than 60 degrees for inversion therapy, the muscles around your back undergo traction. Doing this will decompress the spine, helping it to ‘breathe.’ It is the type of quick treatment that most people experiencing back pain are on the lookout for, but we will be looking at how this helps with your height.
Spacing the vertebrae
Full inversion on an inversion table promotes optimum stretching, which creates space between the vertebrae. (1) The space created between the vertebrae through spinal depression stretches the muscles, promoting an increase in height.
Realigns the spine
Working out is an activity that provides amazing benefits. However, there are instances when these activities along with menial chores (laundry, cooking, etc.) cause harm. These physical activities can induce stress on the muscles and bones of the body. Due to this, the load-bearing joints of the body become decompressed.
But, if you were to spend a few seconds or minutes on an inversion table to work out, the spine becomes realigned. Why? Because it helps the tense muscles relax, which in turn gets oxygen flowing into them due to increased circulation. Health conditions such as lordosis and scoliosis, and also spinal posture, are improved, making it easy to increase height. (2, 3)
Helps gain/regain height
A lot of individuals are unaware of the fact that we technically get shorter as the day goes by. How? The cause of this can be attributed to gravitational pull compressing the vertebrae. As a result, we lose about ¾ of an inch of our height over the course of a day. Although you can regain this height while you sleep in a horizontal position, not all of it is regained.
On the other hand, if you were to make use of an inversion table for inversion therapy over a regular period, you can also increase your height and regain the height you have lost. (4)
Improves joint health
The weight-bearing joints of the human body include the knees, backbone, ankles, and hips. Over the years, they are constantly abused by the different activities we undertake. When these activities are also combined with the continuous pull of gravity, it can affect height.
Pressure on the cartilage squeezes out the fluid meant for joint growth. But when you invert, the gravitational force gets negated, and the fluids flow and nurture the weight-bearing joints. (5) The circulation of fluids improves muscles and joint health, making it easy to attain new heights.
Facilitates growth of the ligaments
When it comes to height, we fail to take into mind the fact that the ligaments also have a say. The ligaments are what hold the bones of the body together, and we know that strong bones improve overall height. If the ligaments of the body become weak or stiff, the chances of having misalignments or of breaking your bones increases.
With inversion tables, your ligaments get strengthened, as it helps increase their collagen content and increases their stretching ability. (6)
Can You Lose the Regained Height?

We are sure the next question on your mind would be along the lines of – What happens when I step down from the inversion table? Do I revert to my previous height?
If you become shorter immediately, that means you broke a backbone. So, the answer is no, you will not revert to your previous height. The increase in height will last for at least a few hours in the day. Although, there have been no medical studies confirming if this can become a permanent effect of using inversion tables.
What we can suggest is that you continue with the use of an inversion table to promote a longer-lasting effect. The more you use the table, the higher the chances of height increase staying for a long period. Although, this also depends on how you make use of the inversion table.
How to Use an Inversion Table to Make You Taller
So, by now you should understand that a disorder in the backbone can be the cause of you not attaining your maximum height. The purpose of using inversion tables is, again, to help you achieve the highest point that your genes will allow. Unless you are a very special case and your body undergoes an abnormal growth stunt, using inversion tables will help a lot.
The following are ways that making use of inversion tables can make you taller:
Static inversion posture
First is to begin moving your body to a horizontal position. Make sure everything is tied properly and that your ankles are hung correctly. Also, be sure that your chosen position is comfortable, as you are going to be flipped.
Now, slowly descend your body, but do not force it all the way down. Turn slowly to a 30-degree position of inversion that is comfortable. Note that most benefits (including growing taller) won’t be experienced unless you reach 60 degrees of inversion.
Once you reach 60, you’re doing great. Spend several seconds, or a minute or two if you can. Setting up a stopwatch or timer beside you is also a good idea. Don’t force yourself. Again, like every other expert’s advice: be patient, and do this at your own pace. If 1 minute is your limit, then so be it. You can try again later in the day or tomorrow and extend it by seconds.
The result of the static inversion posture is that your backbone will be slowly realigned to its place. (7) Your backbone, which was bent (like scoliosis) or stuck at a certain stage, will begin to be straightened. When what is bent becomes straightened, you will become taller than before.
Another method is to oscillate on the inversion table. The oscillation method can be hard for some to do, as it requires quite the balance and trust in your table. Oscillating on an inversion table causes the back to go on a constant decompression-compression cycle, which increases blood flow and releases muscle tension. Similar to when you constantly pull a rubber band, it gets extended. If you’re up to the heavy theory explanations, go on.
When you decompress on the inversion table, it reverses the compression on your spine that has been causing you to lose that extra .5 inch. Yes, it is a fact that astronauts are taller in general because they don’t have gravity pulling them down. (8) It is also similar to the fact that we are actually taller in the morning. This is because the spinal pressure is reduced significantly when we sleep, allowing our backbone to extend (a little bit) comfortably. When you consider all these factors, oscillation on an inversion table has merits as a way to get taller.
Assume a horizontal position on the inversion table. Now lift your left hand, followed by your right hand, to make the table tilt backward. Next, bring your left hand back to your side as well as your right hand. As the weight of your hands shifts back and forth, your table will begin to wave at a natural rate. Staying calm during this and watching your breathing pattern is important. Do this in a repeated one-minute session according to how comfortable you are feeling. Due to the fact that you are shifting the flow of blood and also gravity, this may not be comfortable on your first try.
It is much safer to have someone watching you as you do this. Do it as long as you are still comfortable. For your first try, stopping after 45 seconds is okay. If you feel like continuing, after a break period, continue for another 45 seconds. Do this constantly as you raise your limit to 1, 2, 5 minutes at once.
Please take a look at the video below for a visual understanding of how to oscillate on an inversion table:
Exercising on the inversion table
You can also choose to add exercise into your inversion therapy. Exercises in an upside-down position will take up to 10 times more energy than doing them on the ground. Moreover, your backbone will not suffer from being rested against the floor or being affected by gravity.
Some of the exercises that can be performed on an inversion table to help make you taller are:
Crunches and sit-ups
Whichever you prefer is okay. Do them in a set of 5 if you’ve never worked out and 10 if you are a regular workout enthusiast. Increase the intensity to as many as you are comfortable with.
Crossbar exercise
Lift up your body to reach the bar. Don’t bend your legs. If you find it hard, move the table higher for easier reach. Working on your flexibility before sitting on the table will also help.
Remember not to force yourself beyond what you can do. Whenever you feel tired or dizzy, slowly move the table up. Don’t rush. Reach a 30-degree inversion and stop. Then reach a horizontal position and stop. Lift it higher for easier landing.
You can experience increases of 0.2-0.3 inches to 1 inch (which was the case with several people who did it for almost an hour).
We encourage you to take a look at our complete guide to inversion tables for more information on its usefulness and benefits.