First-Time pregnant? The Best go To Books To Put On Your List!
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Being first time pregnant can be an incredibly daunting thing if you don’t have the right resources. Just the thought of the unexpected can induce anxiety on many woman and pregnancy is definitely no time to be getting anxious. That being said, the right resources with the right kind of information can really help boost morale and prepare you for the unknown. The same applies to pregnancy. Once you’ve done that dreaded home pregnancy test and have to wait for a couple of weeks for your first doctor’s appointment (most clinics don’t see you till you are about 8 weeks), it’s really about finding out what exactly is going on.
Books can be a great resource at a time like that. Whether your joy is reading an actual book, listening to an audio book or even a nice time with your Kindle, finding out how to deal with pregnancy will really help calm those nerves. However, a trip to your closest Barnes & Noble will show you just how far the rabbit hole goes! The sheer magnitude of options when it comes to pregnancy books can be quite overwhelming. If that wasn’t enough, they place all those “baby’s first” books to rope you in even though you’ve had no first’s with your baby so far and won’t for the next 9 months! That aside, it can be quite daunting to pick out a book from so many options that you want to believe in and guide you through this important process in life. That’s what we are here for!
Here’s 5 books with excellent recommendations and reviews from expectant mothers who have had good experiences with these books. We’ll go through the books, their content and what makes them so great so you can make up your mind!
Mayo Clinic: Guide to a healthy pregnancy

As the tag line on this book goes, this book is written by parents doctors. Mayo Clinic in itself is a medical establishment based in Rochester, Minnesota. The book covers aspects of pregnancy week by week and talks about scientific changes taking place inside your body. Some of the very famous features of this book includes a weekly update on how your baby is growing (the changes, which part is growing etc), also a monthly guide for mothers that covers the bodily, emotional and other changes the woman goes through. It also has a 40-week calendar, a guide of various symptoms and a guide of different things you have to think about while pregnant. What’s interesting is that the book starts from the very beginning- how to get pregnant and then later on planning your meals, different exercises, medicines you can use an eventually parenthood. The best part about this book? It’s illustrated. A lot of times books with scientific information can be quite drab and boring but this book is nothing like that.
Ranking at #17 in the Amazon Kindle ebooks, this book sells for a pretty decent price for a book that gives you the mother load of all information on pregnancy.
What to Expect When You Are Expecting

This book is easily the most famous pregnancy book out in the market. With references in various movies and now being on its 5th edition, this is no book to take lightly. With 18.5 million copies printed and sold, there is a reason why it sells so much and rightfully so. I too own a copy of this book and the shear tone of the author and the way it is organized makes it worth it. I have a science background so I knew what was happening inside me in the general sense but I needed information to be broken down week-by-week and cover every aspect of my pregnancy and answer my questions. This book does exactly that! The authors take on a very kind and gentle tone which helps with the anxiety that usually associates with being pregnant. They cover the growth of the baby week-by-week as well as the growth and changes with the mother. That’s the general beginning of each chapter (divided into trimesters) and then goes onto cover the most frequently asked questions by women who are experiencing those weeks.
I would have preferred for the book to be colored but the black and white illustrations within the book are quite decent. There are also little tidbits for fathers to read as mother’s go through this wild experience. The best part is being able to see the content of the book that is available as a preview in the window next to the product!
The Pregnant Body Book

Not as famous as the rest of the books on this list, the Pregnant Body book is especially designed for those individuals who prefer “visuals” in comparison to reading large chunks of text. Together with a DVD, it is filled to the brig with accurate, scientific illustrations of your babies’ progress. Illustrations of the growing lung with proper labelling, the reproductive growth cycle and much more, this book is super colorful and unloads heavy information with a pretty look. It too is divided into “weeks” and months and gives statistics as the book progresses. It is written by Dr. Sarah Brewer who has written more than 60 self-help books so it’s safe to assume she knows what she is talking about.
A Child is Born by Lennart Nilsson

This is one of those old is gold kind of books because the first edition of this book came out about 40 years ago! This might put some people off but the fact that this book has kept coming back and reprinted over time is a testament to how good and useful it is. Ranked #67 on Amazon’s Pregnancy & Childbirth category, this book has excellent reviews and covers all aspects that expecting mothers are eager to read about. The 240 page book sells for less than 20 bucks as a paperback and comes with pictures that make the whole experience a lot better. There’s a balanced amount of scientific information in there as well as well as all the information that one might need during the 9 months.